Jogo Bonito
"Salve 300 anos de Zumbi," proclaimed the banner above the Cantina de Lua in Pelourinho, the colonial center of Salvador, Brazil, when I arrived in November 1995."
Back in the Roda by James Willimetz
Capoeira: A game of cunning, self-control and respect By Meredith Ahlberg
Cabaças by Ariranha
Our very own Instrutor Solomon “Ariranha” Nadaf is an accomplished artist and maker of berimbau cabaças. He has created custom cabaças for accomplished capoeiristas like Monitora Gata Brava of Capoeira Morro Verde and Mestre Efraim.
If you would like to find out more or to commission your very own custom cabaça, contact Instrutor Ariranha at: